The Museum of Casa Grande is a nonprofit organization. We rely on gifts from members and friends like you. |
Your support enables The Museum to share its collections and programs with thousands of visitors and scholars each year, helping the widest possible audience enjoy the history and cultures of Casa Grande.
There are many ways to give to The Museum with benefits and privileges available to you in thanks for your generosity. We thank our members and donors for your ongoing loyalty and enthusiasm as we look forward to working with new friends to build for the future.
Ways to Support the Museum | ||
The impact of your gift to the annual fund is as evident as the history preserved in our community. Contributions help make possible the Museum's educational programs and the care, study, and exhibition of collections. Your 100% tax-deductible gift is also a wonderful way to honor or memorialize someone. |
Each year we host two major benefit events. You can support the museum by attending these fun and family friendly events, or support the event as a sponsor, donor or volunteer. |
A Museum membership means wonderful benefits and support for one of Arizona's finest museums. With collections of cultural objects, photographs, and archives, the museum is a place to visit again and again. There is always something new to join today. |
Planned Gifts and Bequests From our humble beginnings in 1964, planned gifts have helped sustain the Museum. In fact, a bequest dedicated to publishing has been the cornerstone of our journal series. Today planned gifts are more important than ever to the stability and future success of the Museum. "Planned Giving" refers to major gifts that involve financial or estate planning. Such gifts can provide important benefits both to you and to the Museum. |
In Kind Gifts We gladly accept gifts that can be used to support operations, educational programs, and events. |
Support The Museum with Fry's Community Rewards and with Amazon Smile. Click below to learn more and start shopping!
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The Museum is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.